EWF reader: Critical Gratitude
I just got my Emerging Writers Festival reader in the mail. hooray for writerly advice and emergentsia in-jokes! i’m reposting my piece from the reader below, with permission. Critical Gratitude “If...
View Articlein precarious weather
this via bookninja has comforted me immensely, particularly the following points: 24 The writing life, like life in general, has a sacramental and a secretarial side. As years pass and duties accrue,...
View Articlespecial offerings
One of the many best things about this job is getting to meet and listen to writers you admire. I have just come down from a cloud of Sydney Writers Festival events which stimulated, nourished, and...
View ArticleMagnificent Seven
This is a talk I gave at the Emerging Writers Festival on the weekend, an event in which myself and the other Ambassadors were asked to give seven pieces of advice we wished we’d had when we were...
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